Dont be a people pleaser!!!

People pleaser.
Thought of writing about this since a month back. Sitting alone in a drowsy mood. Words are creeping out during this dawn atmosphere.A person who try to satisfy all will never attain his goal. In this materialistic world we could see people running behind many things. There is a famous saying "Dont try to get hold of the whole world at the expense of your ownself". A people pleaser will try to satisfy all people around him. His emotions are based on how others think about him. If we try to please all we will end up in losing our own self identity. People put lot of expectations on an individual. There are many bootlickers around us.Change is changelessness. We will be surrounded by many if we are blessed with money. Is that true relations? The person who really care for us will accept us inspite of our faults. But a person who just want to use us as a doormat will consume our time, space and energy. A person cannot be good and kind for 24 hours. If he do so it is quite evident that he is pretending. A people pleaser will think himself as a Saint and will sacrifice everything for the well being of others. In my perception it is not altruism. Altruistic is something that come from bottom of our heart. Usually a people pleaser will have a low self esteem. That is the reason why he tries to please everyone and maintain good image around others. Researches say that for a people pleaser the chance of getting heart attack is eight times more than that of a normal person. Helping others is an appreciable one. But if we dont know whom to help? Is the person seeking help is trustworthy and deserving? .. These kind of questions has to be analysed before helping someone. The future of a people pleaser will be in turmoil as he dont know where is his destination and which is the right path. Life is like a temporary camp. We have to live a life which gives inner peace and happiness. Our work have to give a kind of meaningful life. Unfortunately a people pleaser wont be enjoying the above mentioned things. If we try to do things just for the sake of getting approval and acceptance from others then where lies the inner peace?If we fail to take care of our physical and mental health it is a crime(Muhammad the Prophet). A small pause is needed in our life. There is no meaning in filling the tank full in our bike if we dont know were we have to go. Dont be a people pleaser. Be a Self Pleaser. Go beyond the norms.Let us not sell our own identity for the sake of getting approval from others...


  1. your illustration was really applicable in today's comparing altruistic people to people pleaser. well said sasi

  2. Finally I agree with this line , tank full of petrol and don't know where to go ..may of them are in this particular situation ,
    But well done with the thoughts of people pleasure ...

    1. the sad thing is that most of the people pleasers hesitate to agree that they are people pleasers


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